I know...long time.
So I recently placed an order with Bliss...yeh the spa and body products company.
It was pure...Bliss. I'm a sucker for marketing and pretty packaging.
It came in a beautiful box. You must admire it with me.
Oh and do I love samples!
They came aplenty, and everything came with adorable cloth Bliss bags, which should come in handy when traveling.
So since the products seemed great, I thought the spa should be great too! I checked out the website to see what facials they offered. Did I mention I am in desperate need of one. So they had many options, but all of them $200+. Ouch.
Well maybe when I'm rich. Or we're not in recession/inflation/whatever excuse for the economy.. Or gas doesn't cost more than my car. Or rice and flour don't cost more than twice they did last year. Ouch again.
Dear future president/eight ball/ tomkat (Umara's special navigation system):
Will I be rich?