Salaam friends,
I'm sick, yes again. Apparently me and old man winter do not get along. I woke up with a terrible, terrible head cold, and it came out of thin air.
So I spent a few hours feeling bad for myself, then I remembered there were at least three deaths in my community in the past two weeks; I remembered my dear friend whose daughter was recently diagnosed with leukemia (unfortunately I could not visit her due to my cold); and I thought of my friends going through major tests in their lives...a friend who is pregnant with complications, and others who sad that they are not yet pregnant.
And then I remembered my dear friend who had a beautiful little girl last week (see the pic of Amira above and please say Mashalah), and another good friend who just found out she's pregnant with her second child.
Life moves much faster when you're older. Life and death comes full circle at a faster pace and things change in the blink of an eye. Is this what growing up is really about? Because I am not sure I like it..it's too scary.
The upside to growing up is I remember Allah a LOT more..His name is constantly on my lips and I feel more connected, as I know how much more I need Him now, Alhamdulilah.
And if anyone is in need for some inspiration, Amira's mom had her last week and is requesting that we hold our weekly Halqa at her home tomorrow, less than a week after giving birth. Now that's dedication and Iman, Mashalah. May Allah always keep her family under His shade.
Let this be a reminder to all of us to make dua'a for every event, no matter how small, in our lives, and the lives of those around us. And even for those who we may not have met yet but are in need of dua'a.
With my love and duas for you all,
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