(this is a repeat blog from my own blog)
Salaam ladies,
So lately everyone around me is dieting..which I consider to be impractical, unreasonable and unrealistic (for me). Hence is is forbidden in my dictionary.
You can guess how I feel about dieting. But why is it so hard to eat healthy and moderately? I ate some sushi for lunch, which felt pretty good about it; I wanted to eat something else since I had a small serving. So I went to the cafeteria at work and against every fiber of my being walked past the (awesome) onion rings.
I wasn't feeling salad. I know salad is really good for you, but it's cold, and light, and I never feel like it can be my meal. I wanted something hot but nothing was appealing, so I though...great, cereal. Grains and dairy. Wrong. Every cereal, Total, Special K, raisin Bran, and even healthy Start had high fructose corn syrup in it. What a shocker! These are the healthy cereals, or so I would think to put all those on that list.
What's my beef with corn syrup:
Read this. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/07/24/does-fructose-make-you-fatter/
It's just one of thousands of articles on the Internet about corn syrup.
And then start looking at labels; there's almost nothing (and I mean NOTHING) you can find without corn syrup. It's surprising some of the things it's in.
And my other beef with corn syrup is it's so secretive and most people don't know the truth about it but take in obscene amounts of it in every day foods, under their very own nose. It's completely unhealthy, unnatural and does not exist in nature!
on another note; most diets are based on avoiding foods high in preservatives, corn syrup and unrefined flours. These are things that are highly bad for you. But that's exactly why diets are so hard. There are very, very , very few foods that do not have these ingredients. Just pick up something as simple as a loaf of bread and read the ingredient list. How many of the ingredients do you recognize?
What are some foods you can recommend as easy healthy eats? What are some things I should watch out for?
1 comment:
Well Real food doesn't have additives - fruits, veggies, fish. Anything prepackaged is highly likely to have preservatives and flavor enhancers like corn syrup. Pollan talks about this alot in "In Defense of Food". But I think he would argue that there ARE a lot of different foods out there that don't have corn syrup - we're just so used to fast and convenient food that we don't know what to do with Real food anymore :)
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