Sunday, June 12, 2011


I am sitting in my car waiting for Noor to wake up so we can attend a baby shower. I browse Facebook on my phone and someone posted a status about a salah how to chart for kids.

And then it hit me.  Up until now my concerns have been making sure she has enough dresses,  gets her naps in,  has enough playtime with other kids. But so far this has all been the easy stuff right?  

As she gets older, how will I teach her right from wrong and modesty in her actions? For now prayer is a fun exercise for her, but how do I convince her it's her entry to jennah? How do I even get her to believe in jennah and the akhirah and look past this life? How can I get her to love the Quran? How do I get her to love learning?

Perhaps the when is as important as the how.  When do we parents look past the tickling, play fighting, ABC 's and silly songs?  I don't believe in sending our kids to preschool with $20k a year tuition either, but I have not yet decided what will be best for Noor.

I know there is no ONE right answer. And in the grand scheme of all this, it falls back on the nature vs. nurture debate, with no clear conclusion.  While I continue to try to work it all out and determine what is going to be best for her,there is one thing I can do right now. I can, God willing, be the best version of me there may be (I hope).  I can just be in front of her as an example. Maybe, just maybe, she will pick something up, on her own time. But I won't push it. For now we'll work on mastering wheels on the bus.

1 comment:

Dalal Kanan said...

This is a weighty question. I am always bewildered by how faithful people sometimes have such unfaithful kids, and vice versa. Prophet Nuh preached for 950 years, but his own son was not faithful. Also, Prophet Ibrahim's father was misguided, but Prophet Ibrahim (and Ismael comes to mind especially) was really faithful. So while I mull over the tough issues you bring up, I'll say that duaa' is the first line of defense. As your previous posted beautifully said, put your utmost trust in Allah. InshAllah the rest will follow. Allahum ij3alhum minasalheen!