(p.s. I wrote this article in like 5 minutes as I was sitting bored at work) ---
Click here for the slideshow: http://www.masyouth.net/default.aspx?siteId=44
What do you do on a Sunday morning? Watch cartoons, sleep in, go out for brunch? For some people, the need to give back to the community took precedence on one Sunday morning. Nearly 30 volunteers convened at the Islamic Center of Passaic County on Sunday, Sep 16th. They were not deterred by the harsh sun or their grumbling stomachs. These volunteers were all motivated by Project CommUNITY 2007. Now it it's second year, Project CommUNITY was started by MAS Youth Give in New Jersey, under the guidance of Areeg Abbassi, former head of MAS Youth Give. As they sat down for Iftar last Ramadan, taking in the sight of a table full of fruits, dates, and everyone's favorite foods, they knew in their hearts "not everyone is this fortunate." Project CommUNITY was created as way to help Muslim families across New Jersey. MYG volunteers collected several thousands dollars for Project CommUNITY from friends and family. This money was used towards some of the goods in the baskets, although most of the goods were donated or given at discounted prices from local businesses. MYG volunteers worked with masjids in Newark, Paterson and Jersey City, to discreetely distribute baskets to families who needed a little help. These baskets contained rice, olive oil, dates, milk, bread and vouchers for nearly $100 worth of meat at local meat stores.
Project CommUNITY would like to thank the following businesses for their support and generosity:
Baraka Grocery and Deli - Paterson, NJ
Fattals Syrian Bakery - Paterson, NJ
Unity Halal Meat - Newark, NJ
A.K. Market - Paterson, NJ
Paradise Wholesale - Paterson, NJ

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