Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My First Blog Ever..and maybe my last

Disclaimer: I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be a writer. If you've read some of the incredible blogs out there, let it be known that this is where it stops. My blog will mostly consist of bakwaas, things I want to write for no other reason that because I am probably sitting somewhere bored.

As I'm writing this I'm listening to the newsroom chatter about a reporter here at News12 being kicked out of a meeting at a public school. It's at moments like this when people start spewing journalistic ideals...freedom of the press...freedom of speech...people's right to know...the truth will prevail. I love these ideals. I believe the reason I went into television is because I believe that these ideals (henceforth referred to as these powers) DO EXIST IN TELEVISION.

I find the title of my blog humorous...I went through several years of studying "journalism"...followed by several years of what I call "slave work"... actually I still am a slave..working terrible hours for terrible pay. So does that make me a journalist? Perhaps spending tens of thousands of dollars and going against my fathers wishes do? On that thought, I don't think we would have ever come to an agreement on any chosen path.

Journalist is such a catch all phrase really. It can be someone who seeks out stories, someone who goes out and interviews people, someone standing in on the roof of a building in a war zone reporting on the scene, someone who runs out shooting things with a camera, someone who takes other people's stories and rewrites them, or someone who sits at a desk and read off a television screen.

For me the ideal journalist does all of the above. That's what I hope to do, except the on screen part of it. Maybe if I was better looking...haha.

After weeks of talking about working in television, conferring with higher up, months spent looking for that "perfect job" and realizing it's not out there, I have decided to stick with journalism (against what some, inluding me, may believe to be my better judgement).

This much I know : I'll never really make money. But I hope to find contentment in what I do in other ways.

Keep me in your duas.


1 comment:

Sarah M. said...

i just came upon this blog of yours... i didn't know it even existed... anyway... as a poly sci major, i know that i will also probably never make any real money...
so i know how you feel...but i think you should know that your chosen field is a source of great pride (the good kind) for your friends and inspiration to those who are younger...

so yeah, you are always in our dua'as.. just keep us in yours :)