Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Of the Political Process

I find that most Muslims are not inherently against voting...they're just too lazy.

My bottom line is this : if you don't want to have anything to do with America..then just leave.

For anyone who really questions whether they should vote here is what I found on

Dr.Anwar Hajjaj, President of the American Islamic Information Center, writes:

Muslims should be active wherever we are. When we as Muslims unite as a community, our chances of being heard regarding the issues that are relevant and important to us are far more significant than when a small number of us are trying to make a difference. By being politically active, we can seek to better the lives of all Muslims living in the United States.

Our involvement within the political system is also a great way to present to the public an accurate image of Islam, and of Muslims as supporting the issues that are important in our lives, and maintaining high morals and standards. For example, we can show our deep concern over the decay of the family system in America by supporting candidates for whom family values is a high priority.

Muslims speaking out, showing up in numbers and being involved in the political process will enable our vote to be sought-after by political nominees. We will then be taken seriously, and considered a vital consituency by candidates of all political parties; thus, requiring them to address issues of great concern to our community. American Muslims are increasing in numbers; hence, we stand to make an increasingly significant difference in the outcome of elections.

We need to become educated about the governing process, and the laws and issues that affect us as this will allow us to understand American political proceedings, and encourage our participation in a vitally important activity that greatly impacts our lives as well as the way we are viewed by non-Muslims.

Being able to vote and participate in the political process is a privilege that no one should forsake. If we as Muslims feel we are not being treated fairly, or that important issues are being neglected, we must exercise our right to participate and vote. We can then progress and make a difference in our lives, and in those of our families and communities.

As Muslims, we must take advantage of our rights, and become involved - as members of school boards, in mayoral offices, on city councils, and running for government positions and offices - while maintaining our duties and obligations to Islam. Imagine the great status this will bring to us, and the great message we can send to others!

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