Monday, January 9, 2012

The final countdown

Somehow, by the mercy of Allah nearly ten months have passed, and I am possibly days, or less than two weeks from my due date. I am anxious to know more about and meet my second child.

The past few months have been uneventful, and for once I am grateful for that, Alhamdulilah. Of course barring the birth of my beautiful nephew, Hamza, not much else has happened.

Except that every morning I wake up with a different toddler. Every morning, Noor, who is nearing two years old, does/says/learns something new. And while I bask in the beauty of her rapid growth, I feel sadness underneath and miss the Noor from the day before. She is growing up entirely too fast. Should I listen to my sisters, and record every cute thing she says and does? If I do will I miss out what is happening in front of me? Forget wielding a camera, even if I blink I know I've fallen behind.

I fear I have already missed too much.

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